Step by step: How to adjust an ATK touring binding

Step 1: Correct forward pressure

We begin by adjusting the length of the ATK binding to your ski boot. There should be a space of 4 millimeters between the heel piece of the binding and the boot. Use the provided spacer as a measuring tool for this.

Place your boot in the binding. Do this by first placing the toe piece in the binding and then pressing the heel onto the pins of the heel piece. Use the spacer to check if the space is 4 millimeters. Adjust the position of the heel piece with a screwdriver until the spacer fits perfectly between the boot and the binding.

Step 2: DIN settings

The next step is adjusting the DIN settings. The DIN is a number indicating how much force a boot needs to release from the binding. Determining your DIN settings depends on your skiing experience, weight, height, age, and sole length.

On the back of the heel piece, you'll find the screw to adjust the DIN. Set the DIN indicator to match your personal DIN number.

The ATK Evo models also have a DIN indicator to adjust the clamping force of the toe piece. Adjust this as well to the same DIN with the screw in the middle of the toe piece.

Now, your ATK touring binding is correctly adjusted, and you're ready for your ski touring adventure! One last piece of advice: check the adjustment of your bindings every touring season. Properly adjusted bindings are essential for safe and enjoyable skiing.