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Jones Snowboards

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Jones Snowboards
Founded in 2010 by one of the godfathers of freeride snowboarding: Jeremy Jones. Jones snowboards is a 100% freeride snowboard brand focused on making the best (freeride) snowboards out there. The fact Jones is a freeride brand shows in their collection and from the fact they have a splitboard version of every board except for the Aviator. The best known Jones boards are the Flagship (Mothership for women's), Hovercraft and the Mountain twin. From 2013-2014 Jones also has a allmountain-freestyle board: The Aviator. A short introduction on these boards:

The Flagship

This board is not called Jones's flagship for nothing. The flagship is the stiff Freeride board to charge hard in any therrain with, especially in the bigger sizes(168xl). Wether it's powder, crud or hardpack.

Flagship carbon

You thought the Flagsip was the ultimate charging board? You're wrong, the Flaship carbon was released in 2011 as the slightly stiffer version of the flagship. The board has a full layer of carbon between the top fiber and topsheet. Furthermore, it has 8 horizontal and 45° carbon layers between the the base fiber and the woodcore. This make the board ultra-responsive. The Flagship carbon is one of the best freeride boards on earth, but only for riders able to handle it.


According to Jeremy, “The hovercraft is all about float.”. The Hovercaft is a board you take with you for the superdeep days. With a lot of float and agility, this is the ideal board for epic treeruns and pillows.

Mountain twin

For freeriders wanting one board to handle all types of riding and conditions: Powder, carging down long lines, tracked crud and a day on the slopes. The Mountain twin does it all.


For the park riders which always have looked couriously at the backcountry. They don't need to give up on their park riding because the Aviator is playfull enough to be a good freestyle board but also has all the quality's you expect from a good almountain board. In short: the Aviator is a freestyle board with all-mountain genes!

Jones Splitboards

Jeremy Jones and Jones snowboards might be the driving forces behind the splitboard revolution of the last few years. This has a reason! With his movie Further, Jeremy made a beautifull splitboarding film and Jones is the splitboardmanufactorer of the last few years.

The Solution, Solution carbon

The Jones Solution is the best sold splitboard of the past few years. Sinds 2010, the solution has a carbon brother: The Solution carbon. This splitboard isn't bade from carbon for it's lightness but to make it more an even more responsive board, just like the flagship carbon.

The New Jones Ultracraft

A board which is made to be light: The Ultracraft weighs only 2.5kg (5.5lbs) and is the lightest production splitboard ever. The ultracraft is shaped like a hovercraft and therefore rides like a true freeride board.

Jones snowboards and Snowcountry

Snowcountry is a Jones EPICenter shop, this means Snowcountry is a selected premium dealer offering everything Jones has.