
Customer Service

< Customer Service

Feedback and Complaints

  • Feedback

    Are you satisfied with our service or just very happy with your product then we would like to hear from you! You can email us or tag us on Facebook and Instagram. We are also always very happy with a good review on:
    Google Reviews

  • Complaints

    Reporting a problem
    If you have a problem with your order, product or if you have a bad experience, we would like to hear your feedback through [email protected], the contact form, telephone or letter. We aim to answer you within 24 hours on business days and find a quick solution.

    Complaint escalation
    If your problem is not resolved satisfactorily, you can submit a complaint. A response to a complaint shall be given within 14 days of its receipt. If more time is needed to deal with your complaint, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within 14 days, indicating when you can expect a substantive response from us. These are maximum deadlines, we aim to respond within 48 hours, on business days, and do everything to achieve a working solution together with you.

    If you are not satisfied with our final answer
    If you disagree with our final complaint resolution, you have 6 weeks to appeal against it. You can inform us of this in writing by e-mail or letter and indicate that you want a different solution. We will handle with your complaint again. In most cases we will reply within a few days, but within 4 weeks at the latest.

    If you do not agree with the outcome
    If you really do not agree with us, you have gone through the above complaints procedure and live in the E.U., Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, you can submit your complaint to the EU's Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) dispute settlement body. You can find them via the url below:

    https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. File your complaint here within 12 months of you making your initial complaint to Snowcountry. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are not obliged to cooperate in the resolution of disputes through an arbitration committee such as the ODR.

    If you are unable or unwilling to submit your complaint to a dispute resolution body, you can always submit your complaint directly to a competent court.